My ongoing collaborations with experts in pedagogy, educational research and social psychology aim to expand the adoption of evidence-based classroom practices that increase the participation of women and underrepresented/minoritized (URM) students in undergraduate physics majors.
I have been recognized with a Cottrell Scholar Award for my work on this topic, and have published numerous articles on my experience in Inside Higher Ed and the journal Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education.
My workshop for faculty and graduate student instructors synthesizes the relevant research on best-practices to support belonging, or the feeling of being a welcome and contributing member of a community. A rich body of research, including recent recommendations from the American Institute of Physics and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, highlights that fostering belonging in undergraduate STEM courses is key to increasing the participation of women and underrepresented/minoritized students.
This workshop is organized around themes that prompt participants to identify small, actionable changes to their own courses that can increase belonging.
I am now working with the NSF-funded FLAMEnet collaborative, as well as a Cottrell Scholar Collaborative network, to broaden the impact of this work